The perfect first home is 3 Pelican Road! 3 generous sized bedrooms, each featuring solid timber floors & split system air-conditioning and built in cupboards throughout. A cozy, air-conditioned lounge room with split system air conditioning, the same lovely solid timber floors and bright windows. The family bathroom is solid featuring shower, good storage and separate toilet. A functional kitchen overlooking a lush green private back yard with established manicured gardens, lawns & trees. Single carport, concrete driveway, heaps of off street parking & fully fenced yard. Very well presented prefect first family home!
3 good sized bedrooms, timber floors & splits
Solid family bathroom with shower & separate toilet
Air conditioned living area & neat and tidy kitchen
Internal laundry, shedding & single carport
Fully fenced with beautiful manicured lawns, gardens and trees.
Very well pretested 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom home - this is a perfect way to start your portfolio in Real Estate - nothing to do but enjoy, solid investment. Call the team at City & Country Realty! Kieran Tully 0416 177 001 or Sam Johnston 0467 076 756